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2 inch Elephants

2 inch Elephants

2 inch elepha t carvings in various materials including: Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Tree Agate, Sodalite, clear Quartz,and Rhodonite. Some of these elephants have slight cosmetic defects from the natiral formation of the stone when it was carved but they do not affect their structural integrity and are simply cosmetic. We encourage everyone to embrace these natural flaws as a creation of Mother Naturebut we have discounted these affected items accordingly. Each stone has its own metaphysical properties and benefits that can be used in crystal healing.

  • Care Instructions

    Clean with a dry, lint-free cloth and avoid exposure to water. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasives of any kind. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight for prolonged periods of time to prevent color from fading.

  • ***DISCLAIMER ***

    **Please note that all metaphysical or healing properties listed are collected from multiple sources. This information is not meant to treat medical conditions or replace any medical advice or treatment you have or are receiving from a licensed medical provider. Ashley Fay Crystals does not guarantee the validity of any of these statements.

PriceFrom $10.00
Excluding Sales Tax
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