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Carnelian Bracelets

Carnelian Bracelets


Feel the energizing vibes and elevate your style with our Carnelian Bracelets. Embrace the vibrant energy of Carnelian, igniting a passion for life and enhancing your creative spirit. This gemstone is a powerhouse for boosting self-esteem, confidence, and emotional equilibrium.

Sharpen your mind, improve focus, and ignite motivation with the mental clarity Carnelian provides. Combat feelings of lethargy, anxiety, and low moods with this versatile gemstone. Let Carnelian stimulate analytical thinking, enhance memory, and bring positivity into your life.

Each bracelet features 8mm natural Carnelian beads elegantly strung on a multistrand elastic cord for a comfortable and adjustable fit. Embrace the metaphysical properties of Carnelian for a transformational journey towards inner strength and vitality. Unleash your potential with our exquisitely crafted Carnelian Energy Boost Bracelets!

The listed price is for one intuitively selected bracelet.

  • Experience vibrant energy and creativity boost
  • Enhance self-esteem and emotional balance
  • Promote mental sharpness and motivation
  • Combat depression, anxiety, and lack of motivation
  • Crafted with natural Carnelian gemstones on elastic cord
  • Care Instructions

    Clean with mild soapy water or a mild jewelry cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly,l. Remove before swimming, bathing, or performing strenuous activities such as housework. Store in a cool, dry place when not wearing.

  • ***DISCLAIMER ***

    **Please note that all metaphysical or healing properties listed are collected from multiple sources. This information is not meant to treat medical conditions or replace any medical advice or treatment you have or are receiving from a licensed medical provider. Ashley Fay Crystals does not guarantee the validity of any of these statements.

Excluding Sales Tax
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